Genus Lineus

Sowerby, 1806

Heteronemertea with a single pair of horizontal lateral cephalic slits; proboscis containing two (outer circular, inner longitudinal) or three (outer longitudinal, middle circular, inner longitudinal) muscle layers and 0-2 muscle crosses; rhynchocoel wall with a circular musculature, not interwoven with body wall muscle layers; dorsal fibrous core of cerebral ganglia branched only at rear into dorsal and ventral points; nervous system with neither neurochords nor neurochord cells; foregut with splanchnic musculature composed either of longitudinal fibres only or mixed longitudinal and circular layers; dermis variable, either with gland cells distributed among body wall outer longitudinal muscle fibres or separated from musculature by distinct connective tissue layer; caudal cirrus absent; cephalic glands usually well developed; most species with frontal organ; eyes present or absent; sexes separate.

Source: Gibson, 1982.

The following species of this genus occur in the region:

Lineus albocinctus
Lineus bilineatus
Lineus lacteus
Lineus longissimus
Lineus ruber
Lineus sanguineus
Lineus viridis