Genus Nemertopsis

Bürger, 1895

Filiform monostiliferous hoplonemerteans with two pairs of distinct transverse cephalic furrows; rhynchocoel at most about half the body length, with wall composed of two distinct muscle layers; cephalic dorsoventral muscles feebly developed; cephalic glands moderately well developed; nervous system with neither neurochords nor neurochord cells, without accessory lateral nerve; cerebral sensory organs small, located far anterior to cerebral ganglia; four large or small eyes; blood vascular system with three longitudinal vessels, mid-dorsal vessel with a single vascular plug; excretory system present only in the foregut region; frontal organ present; intestinal caecum present but short and without anterior diverticula; sexes separate.

Source: Gibson, 1982.

The following species of this genus occurs in the region:

Nemertopsis flavida