Genus Oerstedia

Quatrefages, 1846

Monostiliferous hoplonemerteans without cephalic furrows; four eyes, the posterior pair sometimes larger than the anterior ones; rhynchocoel full body length, with wall composed of a thin wickerwork of interwoven circular and longitudinal muscle fibres; proboscis large and well developed but not employed for locomotion; body of a firm consistency, with a moderately well developed dermis and body wall musculature but lacking dorsoventral muscles and longitudinal cephalic muscles; frontal organ absent; cephalic glands extensive; cerebral sensory organs small, anterior to eyes; cerebral ganglia small and close-set; nervous system with neither neurochords nor neurochord cells but with an accessory lateral nerve; blood vascular system with three longitudinal vessels, without submuscular capillary network, with distinct valves, number of vascular plugs on mid-dorsal vessel uncertain; intestinal caecum present but without anterior diverticula, intestinal diverticula mostly orientated dorsally; sexes separate.

Source: Gibson, 1982.

The following species of this genus occurs in the region:

Oerstedia dorsalis