McIntosh, 1873-74
Length up to about 9-10 cm or more when extended; width 0.3-2 cm. Colour pinkish, yellowish, reddish or brownish, the ventral surface and the head being paler. The head is a bluntly pointed triangular shape and bears numerous eyes. There is a single pair of cephalic furrows, both dorsally and ventrally forming a forward pointed V-shape. On the dorsal surface of the head, a pale coloured longitudinal median ridge is usually evident (A. hastatus-head).
It is found in sand, from the mid-tidal level to depths of 35 metres or more. Sand grains may adhere to the transparent mucus which the species secretes, forming a fairly firm tube.
In the North Sea, the species is reported from the north-east coast of Scotland and the Shetlands. The geographic range of the species extends from the Mediterranean to the British Isles and Scandinavia. It is also reported from Greenland and Atlantic North America.